Research framework for Engaging intimate partner violence Survivors as Partners in Empowering Collaborative Transformation PATHS is partnering with the Waypoint...
PATHS is looking for an outstanding individual to join our team as an Assistant Director. The successful applicant will fill...
PATHS Director of Research partnered with researchers from the University of Saskatchewan and RESOLVE Saskatchewan to examine rural women victims/survivors'...
You may have heard about PATHS partnership with Saskatchewan SPCA and the Saskatchewan Horse Federation to develop a pilot program...
PATHS will be offering our Understanding the Dynamics of Domestic Violence for Family Law Practitioners training November 4- 7, 2024...
PATHS's Director of Research partnered with researchers from Carleton University and the University of Regina to study how judges in...
PATHS is undertaking a research project to document the experiences of survivors of intimate partner violence in Saskatchewan when interacting...
"This is the crux of the matter and the cause for concern by PATHS and others who wish to protect...
PATHS invites you to join us at our conference this October 16-17, 2024 The theme of our conference this year,...
PATHS is pleased to announce that we have received $400 000 in funding for a new project here in Saskatchewan....