PATHS and our partners recently conducted research with Newcomer women and service providers in three prairie provinces (Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Alberta) to consider the impact of and unique circumstances surrounding intimate partner violence on the lives of Newcomer women and their children. This project was funded by the Prairieaction Foundation. Read the research report here.
The article “I Felt Like I Was a Puppet— He’s the Master, and He’s Playing with My Life”: Newcomer Women’s Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence” was published in Violence Against Women in February 2023. This article reports findings from interviews with newcomer women survivors of intimate partner violence in Saskatchewan. (Read on the journal’s website here or read the text version of the article here.)
This journal article, Supporting newcomer women who experience intimate partner violence and their children: Insights from service providers, was published online in Affilia: Feminist Inquiry in Social Work in May 2022 (print issue February 2023). This article shares findings from focus groups with service providers in Saskatchewan. (Read on the journal’s website here or read the text version here.)
Another articles reporting findings from interviews with newcomer women in Saskatchewan, as well as articles reporting findings from Alberta, are forthcoming.