Let's keep advocating for our children and youth in Saskatchewan! Please consider signing and share this with your networks. (Download...
After 10 years of dedicated leadership, we are getting ready to bid a fond farewell to our Executive Director, Jo-Anne...
PATHS is excited to introduce a new free micro-course on Clare’s Law in Saskatchewan. This introductory course is designed for...
The Canadian Femicide Observatory for Justice and Accountability (CFOJA) has documenting sex- and gender-based killings of women and girls in...
PATHS is intervening in a case before the Supreme Court of Canada this week. That case deals with how Canadian...
PATHS is looking for an outstanding individual to join our team as an Assistant Director. The successful applicant will fill...
PATHS Director of Research partnered with researchers from the University of Saskatchewan and RESOLVE Saskatchewan to examine rural women victims/survivors'...
You may have heard about PATHS partnership with Saskatchewan SPCA and the Saskatchewan Horse Federation to develop a pilot program...
PATHS will be offering our Understanding the Dynamics of Domestic Violence for Family Law Practitioners training November 4- 7, 2024...
PATHS's Director of Research partnered with researchers from Carleton University and the University of Regina to study how judges in...